2-1 Short Paper: Resources for Contingency Planning


In this assignment, you will discuss the common stakeholders, tools (hardware, etc.), and external resources (mutual aid, affiliates around you, emergency personnel) used in enterprise-wide healthcare contingency planning.

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2-1 Short Paper: Resources for Contingency Planning

Common Stakeholders

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of enterprise-wide contingency planning in the healthcare industry. When planning for any healthcare crisis, it is important to consider the various stakeholders involved to ensure an effective response plan. These stakeholders include healthcare providers, patients, patients’ families, government agencies, insurance companies, and suppliers who uniquely manage the crisis and ensure the healthcare system can continue functioning effectively (Trujillo-Fernandez, 2007). Healthcare providers are responsible for caring for patients, diagnosing and treating illnesses, and managing the resources needed to provide care. Besides, patients seek medical attention and require access to quality care, information, and resources to manage their health. Government agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) play a crucial role in providing guidelines, regulations, and funding for healthcare contingency planning (Trujillo-Fernandez, 2007). Also, healthcare organizations, including hospitals, clinics, and laboratories, provide the infrastructure and resources needed to deliver patient care. Lastly, community members play an essential role in supporting healthcare providers, sharing information, and adhering to guidelines to prevent the spread of disease.

Tools for enterprise-wide contingency planning

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, a range of tools are required to combat the spread of the virus, treat those who are infected, and monitor the progression of the disease. One of the most critical hardware tools needed is personal protective equipment (PPE). PPE includes masks, gloves, and gowns for healthcare workers and others who encounter infected individuals (Trujillo-Fernandez, 2007). PPE is necessary to prevent the spread of the virus and protect healthcare workers from becoming infected. Without sufficient PPE, healthcare workers are at a greater risk of contracting and transmitting the virus to others.

Another vital hardware tool needed during the Covid-19 pandemic is medical equipment, such as ventilators and oxygen concentrators. These devices are critical for treating individuals suffering from severe cases of Covid-19 and experiencing respiratory distress. As the number of cases increased during the pandemic, there was a shortage of medical equipment in many areas, leading to a strain on healthcare systems and higher mortality rates (Amatayakul, 2017). Ensuring an adequate supply of medical equipment is essential for improving outcomes for Covid-19 patients and reducing the burden on healthcare workers.

External resources

During a healthcare crisis like the Covid-19 pandemic, it is essential to consider external resources to manage the situation effectively. These external resources can include mutual aid networks, affiliates in the community, and emergency personnel. Mutual aid networks are grassroots community-based organizations that work to aid and support to those in need. In a healthcare crisis like Covid-19, mutual aid networks can play a critical role in helping vulnerable populations access food, medical supplies, and other essential resources. These networks can also provide emotional and social support to individuals struggling during the pandemic. For example, mutual aid groups can help connect individuals in isolation or quarantine with volunteers who can deliver groceries, medication, or other necessities (Trujillo-Fernandez, 2007). Additionally, mutual aid networks can help spread awareness about public health guidelines and encourage community members to follow them. The involvement of mutual aid networks can ease the burden on healthcare systems and contribute to a more effective response to the crisis.

Affiliates in the community, such as community health centers and other healthcare organizations, are also crucial resources during a healthcare crisis like Covid-19. These organizations can provide various services, including testing and treatment for the virus, mental health support, and educational resources.  Community health centers can play a significant role in providing care to underserved populations who may not have access to traditional healthcare services (Trujillo-Fernandez, 2007). These organizations can also help facilitate communication between healthcare providers and public health officials, ensuring that information is disseminated effectively and efficiently.  In addition, community-based organizations, such as food banks and shelters, can partner with healthcare organizations to support those experiencing economic hardship or homelessness during the pandemic.

Emergency personnel, such as paramedics and firefighters, are another important external resource during a healthcare crisis like Covid-19.  These professionals can provide immediate medical assistance to those experiencing severe virus symptoms and may require urgent care. Emergency personnel can also help transport patients to healthcare facilities and ensure they receive medical attention. Additionally, emergency personnel can assist with distributing PPE and other essential medical supplies and provide support in the event of a surge in hospitalizations or other healthcare needs (Amatayakul, 2017). The involvement of emergency personnel is critical to ensuring that healthcare systems can effectively manage the pandemic and provide care to those who need it most.


Healthcare crisis contingency planning requires the consideration of several stakeholders, including employees, customers/patients, government agencies, and suppliers. Organizations need the necessary hardware and software tools to implement such planning effectively, including teleconferencing and health monitoring tools. Finally, external resources such as mutual aid organizations, affiliates, and emergency personnel must also be considered to ensure organizations can respond to the crisis effectively.




Amatayakul, M. (2017). Chapter 12. In Health IT and EHRS: Principles and practice. American Health Information Management Association.

Trujillo-Fernandez, M. J. (D. (2007). Contingency planning for the healthcare industry. https://web.archive.org/web/20150914073901/http://www.drj.com/drj-world-archives/planning-in-other-industries/contingency-planning-for-the-healthcare-industry.html