4-1 Worksheet: Incident Command

Question: 4-1 Worksheet: Incident Command

In this worksheet, you will create a matrix of the key roles in the incident command, describe the roles, and outline their responsibilities.

To complete this assignment, review the following documents:

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HIM 680 Module Four Worksheet

Incident Command


Incident Command Person Description of Role Key responsibilities in a crisis People in the Organization That Might Take This Role
Commander Responsible for overseeing all the aspects of the response effort and management of the incident.


The commander allocates resources and makes strategic decisions to ensure the situation is resolved safely and as soon as feasible.

Authorizing personnel and the use of resources.


Monitoring the progress of the response effort and making adjustments where necessary.


Developing priorities and objectives for the response effort.


Ensuring effective coordination and communication between all parties involved in the response effort.


Determining the strategy for responding to the incident.

Chief Operating Officer


Chief Executive Officer

Liaison officer Serves as a point of communication for other agencies or groups taking part in the incident command and response effort.



They ascertain that all stakeholders can access pertinent data and that actions and resources are coordinated appropriately.

Ensuring that external agencies understand the healthcare organization’s priorities and objectives.


Maintaining and establishing communication with external parties in the incident command and response effort.


Coordinating personnel and the use of resources between external agencies and the healthcare organization.


Facilitating information sharing between external agencies and the incident command.

Community Outreach


Director of Government Relations

Safety officer Ensures the safety of the public, environment, and every response team member. Giving workers instructions and training on safety procedures.


Determining and evaluating any possible risks or hazards related to the incident.


Making and putting into action plans to lessen risks or hazards that have been identified.


Monitoring the workplace to ensure everyone is safe, including the general public.

Safety Manager


Director of Occupational Health and Safety

Public information officer In charge of overseeing all interactions with the media, other stakeholders and the general public during the response effort. Giving workers direction and instruction on communication norms and processes.


Creating and providing the public, media, and other stakeholders with accurate and timely information.


Managing enquiries and information requests from the public, the media, and other parties.


Coordinating with the incident command to ensure that all message is uniform and in line with the goals and priorities of the healthcare organization.

Public Relations Manager


Director of Communications

Operations section chief Overseeing all operational aspects of the response effort, including coordinating the employment of personnel and resources to deal with the incident command. Guiding and instructing on operational protocols and procedures for personnel.


Formulating and implementing operational strategies and protocols to deal with the situation.


Keeping track of the response’s development and making any necessary modifications.


Coordinating the utilization of personnel and resources to make response operations efficient and successful.

Emergency Preparedness Coordinator


Director of Operations


Facilities Manager


Clinical Operations Manager

Finance/admin section chief Manages the incident command’s administrative and financial elements.


They ensure proper allocation and tracking of resources such as supplies, personnel, and equipment.


Offer the incident command team administrative and financial support.

Support the incident command team’s administrative needs.


Make and keep the incident budget.


Maintain and control incident records and documentation.


Keep tabs on all expenses and charges related to the occurrence.


Maintain and monitor the time and attendance records of the staff.


Control purchasing and contracting operations.


Give the incident command team logistical support.

Logistics Coordinator


Chief Financial Officer


Administrative Assistant


Budget Analyst


Procurement Specialist