8-2 Short Paper: evaluate the effectiveness of leadership’s decision making


In this assignment, you will evaluate the effectiveness of leadership’s decision making in a provided scenario and explain both the positives and negatives. You will then develop recommendations for where leadership can improve.

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8-2 Short Paper: Evaluating Decision Making

In the described scenario, healthcare management adjusted to improve employee participation in decision-making, particularly regarding patient care. One of these adjustments involves switching to staff self-scheduling, with precedence given to more senior employees. While this choice initially provided advantages, problems arose as the holiday schedule was being made. There were disagreements and unfavorable effects due to the lack of attention placed on negotiation and assistance for all staff members. This paper will evaluate the positives and negatives of leadership’s decision-making, assess its effectiveness, and suggest recommendations for improvement.

One of the positives associated with the leadership’s decision-making is the increased staff involvement. By implementing staff self-scheduling, the leadership demonstrated a commitment to involving employees in decision-making processes. This approach can foster a sense of empowerment, ownership, and engagement among the staff. When employees are allowed to participate in decisions that directly impact their work, they feel valued and are more likely to be invested in the outcomes.

Another positive aspect of decision-making is the acknowledgment of experience and seniority. Granting priority to senior staff members in scheduling reflects an understanding and recognition of their expertise (Becker’s Healthcare, 2015). This recognition can promote a sense of loyalty and satisfaction among experienced employees. By valuing seniority, the leadership encourages retaining knowledgeable staff members who can mentor and guide their colleagues.

Additionally, transitioning to staff self-scheduling has the potential to streamline the scheduling process. It reduces the administrative burden for managers, allowing them to focus on other essential tasks. With self-scheduling, staff members have greater control over their schedules, enabling them to manage their work-life balance better. This flexibility can contribute to increased job satisfaction and overall employee well-being.

Lack of cooperation and negotiation when establishing the vacation schedule is a key drawback of the leadership’s decision-making. Leadership should have prioritized these crucial components, ignoring the value of encouraging one another and preserving a harmonious workplace. The leadership lost a chance to forge consensus and foster a feeling of ownership among the team by failing to include all staff members in the decision-making process and considering their viewpoints.

The team had a clear division due to the scheduling method giving senior staff members preference. Junior members felt marginalized, received less assistance, and received unfavorable treatment from their senior colleagues. The junior staff members’ morale, well-being, and job satisfaction were all negatively impacted by this division, which hampered teamwork and effective communication (Becker’s Healthcare, 2015). The lack of harmony and cooperation could have improved the department’s overall performance and productivity.

Moreover, the staff members suffered serious effects due to the disagreements and unfavorable environment brought on by the decision-making process. In a hypothetical situation, some staff members wished to switch floors or leave the hospital completely, and one left work in tears. The afflicted staff employees’ emotional suffering is a blatant sign of the harm poor decision-making has done to their well-being. Such instances may also result in higher turnover rates, costing the firm important skills and knowledge. Team dynamics, continuity of care, and overall organizational performance are negatively impacted by the emotional toll the staff members are under and the ensuing turnover.

In this scenario, the leadership’s decision-making approach cannot be considered effective due to its negative consequences on team dynamics, staff morale, and retention. While the intention to involve staff and recognize seniority had positive aspects, the need for more emphasis on collaboration and negotiation during the holiday schedule creation resulted in significant negative repercussions (Becker’s Healthcare, 2015). The adverse impact on staff well-being and the increased turnover risk indicates a failure to achieve the desired outcomes of a cohesive and supportive work environment.

One of the recommendations is for leadership to place a high value on fostering an atmosphere that promotes cooperation, negotiation, and respect. All parties involved in the decision-making process must be included, as well as open communication and active listening. In order to make decisions that are more informed and inclusive, leaders can use their team members’ different viewpoints and knowledge by encouraging a collaborative culture (Becker’s Healthcare, 2015). Second, ensuring that self-scheduling and other scheduling modifications are fair and transparent is essential. Scheduling decisions should consider various aspects, such as individual preferences, availability, and task allocation, rather than merely seniority in a fair system. This strategy fosters a sense of justice and equity among the team while acknowledging each employee’s needs.

For senior and junior staff members, leadership should fund training initiatives that improve communication and conflict resolution abilities. Through this training, people can acquire the skills to resolve disputes amicably, foster empathy, and foster a supportive workplace environment. Leaders can reduce tensions, promote cooperation, and establish stronger relationships among team members by cultivating good communication and conflict-resolution abilities (Becker’s Healthcare, 2015). Additionally, self-scheduling can also offer flexibility, but leadership is still required to ensure everyone’s overall work-life balance is considered. This approach entails taking proactive steps to avoid overworking workers during busy times or holidays, granting enough vacation time, and supporting mental health and well-being initiatives. Leaders may develop an environment of support and compassion at work that encourages engagement and productivity by prioritizing employee well-being.

Finally, leadership should support and promote staff members’ opportunities for professional development. One example is giving people access to training courses, gatherings, workshops, or mentorship programs. Investing in their growth and development boosts employee skills, knowledge advancement, job happiness, and team engagement.


Becker’s Healthcare. (2015). Leaders: Prevent bad decision-making by becoming a decision architect. Becker’s Hospital Review. https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/hospital-management-administration/leaders-prevent-bad-decision-making-by-becoming-a-decision-architect.html