CJ-340-T6891 Criminology 23EW6: 5-2 Project One: Analyze the relationship between criminology and law

5-2 Project One: Analyze the relationship between criminology and law


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:


You are a local law enforcement officer and representative for the Los Angeles Metro Task Force on Violent Gangs. You are asked to create a presentation on criminal activity relating to the Hellfire Pistons Motorcycle Gang, an outlaw motorcycle gang based in Los Angeles. Using the scenario linked in the Supporting Materials section, create a presentation that describes the crimes associated with the gang, identifies offenders who commit the crimes, describes social and environmental factors that may lead to crimes, and explains how criminal justice professionals use data and theories to address crime problems. Your presentation will be used for the professional development of police officers in your department.

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Using the provided scenario, create an oral or written presentation on criminal activity relating to the Hellfire Pistons Motorcycle Gang that focuses on crimes, offenders, environmental and social factors, and the use of data and theories to address criminal problems. The following required elements should be included:

  1. Identify crimes in relation to this gang. In 25–50 words, be sure to include the following in your identification:
    1. What types of crimes do members of the gang commit?
    2. What are the nature and extent of the crimes?
  2. Describe the offenders who commit crimes. In 50–100 words, be sure to include the following in your description:
    1. What are the types of the offenders?
      1. Are the offenders first-time or habitual?
      2. Are the offenders adults or juveniles?
      3. What types of crimes do the offenders commit (e.g., violent)?
    2. What are the classifications (legalistic/technical, situational, pathological, avocational, career) of the offenders?
  3. Describe how aspects of sociology can be applied to issues in criminology. In 150–300 words, be sure to include the following in your description:
    1. How can social learning theory be used to understand the crimes identified for the gang?
    2. Which environmental and social factors may relate to the crimes you identified for the gang?
      1. What environmental factors (presence of guardians or lack thereof, social disorganization, structural strain) may lead to the crimes?
      2. What social factors (integration, conflict, inequality, control) may lead to the crimes?
  4. Explain how criminal justice professionals use data and theories to address crime problems. In 150–300 words, be sure to include the following in your explanation:
    1. What is the importance of data and theories to criminal justice professional roles, both sworn and civilian?
    2. How do crime data and criminological theory inform the creation of policies, programs, and laws?

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

For this assignment, you will create a presentation. Choose the format that works best for you. This could include one or more of the following: poster, handout, presentation slides, brochure, written description, or video. Whichever format you choose, your submission should address the rubric criteria listed above.

Any sources should be cited according to APA style.

An optional template (linked in the Supporting Materials section) has been created to assist you in completing this project.

Supporting Materials

The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:

Document: CJ 340 Project One Scenario PDF
Base your work on this scenario.

Document: CJ 340 Project One Template PPT (optional)
While this template is not required to complete your project, you may find it helpful.