2-2 Worksheet: Gathering Criminal Data


In this assignment, you will review the types of evidence and criminal data that are important to gather for a case.

Please note: You will need to download the Criminal Data Worksheet Word Document and submit the document upon completion.

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To complete this assignment, review the following documents:


PSY 310 Criminal Data Worksheet


Instructions: Respond to PART I and PART II below and then resubmit this worksheet with your responses.




Instructions: Respond to the questions below.


  1. Review the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) website. What type of criminal data can you gather from this website?

On the website for Uniform Crime Reporting, I found information on crime rates by state, the kinds of crimes committed, and whether or not the perpetrators were men or women. Additionally, the website provides data on the National Incident-Based Reporting System, Statistics on Hate Crimes, and Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted.


  1. Using the Criminal Data Guide document as a guide, what do you notice about the information that you should ask about? Where should you look for this information?

The fact that we could break down the data into states and different types of crimes fascinated me as I explored the tool. Finding out the answers to the who, what, when, and where basic inquiries are essential. Go to the crime data explorer, choose a state near the bottom of the page, then view the filled-in data to access the data and break it down by different crime kinds.


  1. Is there a typical profile for terrorists? Explain.

In my opinion, the distinct characteristics of a terrorist are a male in his twenties who is well-educated and possesses violent tendencies or fantasies, often involving harm to people or overthrowing the government.




Instructions: Read through the scenario and respond to the questions below.


Lisa is accused of luring a group of men into a park, where a criminal street gang attacks them. She is also a gang member, which is part of her initiatioLisaShe had a rigorous upbringing and was physically abused by her older brother and father growing up. At age 13, Lisa befriended some gang members who let her hang around with them. She started skipping school and committing petty crimes such as theft and burglary. Her gang fought with a rival gang, and she was injured, requiring stitches and X-rays. A police report was filed, although no charges were brought against her.


Using the Criminal Data Guide document as a guide, respond to the following:



  1. What pieces of information are important for you to gather specifically from the scenario above?

While investigating, the crucial data to collect is who committed the crime. In what location did the crime occur? What led to this crime? and if there was a motive for the crime, it is crucial to determine what it was. Several pieces of information from the scenario above are essential to obtain to examine the Lisa case thoroughly. Firstly, it’s critical to comprehend the specific accusations made against Lisa and the offenses or charges she is accused of doing. Her engagement in the gang, including the length of her membership, her position within the gang, and any prior criminal activity she may have engaged in, is also significant. As this information may shed light on Lisa’s behavior and behaviors, it is also crucial to learn about Lisa’s background and history, including any traumatic events, past criminal history, and previous involvement with law enforcement. It is also vital to identify the person or people behind the criminal street gang’s acts that led to the attack on the men’s group in the park. Building a strong case requires obtaining witness testimony and information confirming or disproving Lisa’s accusers. Together, this data can help develop a factual, objective portrayal of the case and identify any potential legal ramifications for Lisa.


  1. Thinking creatively, where would you gather the information to start work on your case in reference to the scenario above? You may use a bulleted list to demonstrate specific points you would need.
  • Review Lisa’s earlier injury and the most recent incident’s police reports.
  • Interview Lisa to gain insight into her viewpoint, gang involvement, and potential criminal activities.
  • Talk with witnesses who saw the incident in the park to ascertain Lisa’s participation.
  • Research more about the street gang’s brutal tactics that they used in the attack.
  • Examine Lisa’s past and present to identify any underlying factors that may have contributed to her engagement in gangs and criminal behavior.
  • Speak to Lisa’s previous colleagues, classmates, or counselors if required.
  • Review any video or tangible evidence retrieved from the crime scene.