5-1 Discussion: Training Best Practices

Question:5-1 Discussion: Training Best Practices

In this discussion, you will reflect on your personal experience in trainings (professional and/or educational) and discuss what worked well and what did not work so well. You will then recommend some best practices to implement, based on research.

To begin, reflect on an experience you have had of either providing or attending a training. This training can be professional and/or educational.

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Then, in your initial post, address the following:

  • What worked well during the training?
  • What could have been improved?
  • Based on your research, recommend some best practices that you would implement to improve the training.

In response to your peers, provide real-life situations in which you experienced positive outcomes with the training approach. Elaborate on how you can incorporate the training approach into your daily work.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

1-1 Discussion: Vulnerabilities in the Flow of Information


Working in the healthcare field provides many opportunities for various trainings. These trainings can be geared specifically towards your job performance, as well as organization-wide trainings that everyone may be required to complete. A training module that comes to mind is specific to my job duties. I am responsible for sponsoring personal identification badges for employees within my department. This basically means that I am to initiate the process of when an ID badge is needing to be provided to a new employee, or when a current employee’s badge is needing to be renewed due to expiration.

The training was very detailed, and the great part about the module was that it was descriptive of what exactly should be done to process the requests. Screenshots of how to process requests were present throughout the entire module, which helped tremendously with understanding. The downside to the module was that it was not specific to possible scenarios that could potentially occur that would be outside of normal processing procedures. Ironically, that is what happened when I processed my very first request. I had to not only lean on my training, but also reach out to someone for help with the task. This module can be improved by advising of possible issues that are not within normal processing. The module could advise reaching out to certain individuals for help if needed.

The best practices that I would implement for this training would be conducting regular assessments for ways of improving and asking employees to detail their learning needs. It is important to assess trainings to evaluate their validity and effectiveness. Assessments can be given, and employees may provide insight on personal experiences that may help improve the trainings. These trainings are created for employees, so their needs and concerns should be considered. “You develop training programs for employees, so you want them to benefit the most. And to achieve that your courses should closely match your employees’ needs” (2022, August 11).



Piper, D. (2022, August 11). Best practices in training and development. Dennis Piper. https://blogs.oregonstate.edu/piperde/2022/08/11/best-practices-in-training-and-development/